Magdalene JCR Freshers Amal Societies Kit Keeper



Communal areas, such as gyp rooms, are cleaned daily from Monday to Friday, but students are expected to clean their own rooms. If you have an en suite bathroom, this will be cleaned once a week. You can have your bin emptied Monday to Friday, all you have to do is make sure that your bin is outside your room by 8am.


If you require something mechanical fixed, such as a light or a shower, or if something has broken in your room, report it as follows: Unfortunately the new College website has made this an awkward process: Click here to log into the College website, then return to this page... ...and now you can click here to file a Maintenance or Housekeeping request. Your request will be passed on to College, anonymously unless identity is required. The maintenance department is in Benson D, opposite the laundry room. Do not hesitate to do this! If you have a domestic request or complaint (e.g. drying racks in gyp rooms not being emptied, corridors not being cleaned), the housekeeping department is in Benson E. This is also where you can borrow a camp-bed for a £10 deposit. The College seamstress’ office is in Benson D.


The following information is quoted from the Magdalene Main Website: 'Magdalene will provide accommodation to all undergraduates for the duration of their course. Undergraduates are housed in College-owned houses, all of which are within a few minutes walk of the main College site, or within the College itself. As one of the older Colleges within the University, College accommodation has been acquired over several centuries, so there is no 'average' Magdalene room. Accommodation is incredibly varied, from spacious bedroom and sitting-room sets in the roof of medieval First Court, to modern en-suite rooms in quiet Cripps Court. The cost of College accommodation is also varied, so there are rooms that suit every budget. First-year students are automatically allocated a room before they arrive for Michaelmas term. New students cannot reserve a specific room, but once their place is confirmed they can express a preference about things like the cost, location, and facilities, and the College will endeavour to match these preferences as closely as possible. After their first year, students can choose their rooms in a student-organised ballot.'


Fresher rooms are allocated before their arrival. The room ballot takes place towards the end of Lent term. First year names are randomly selected using a computer to create a ballot list which decides the order in which they will chose their second year rooms. In the second year this ballot list is reversed, so if you were last to pick in first year, you'll be at the top of the list for second year. Across the College, second years choose their rooms first, then any third years staying for a fourth year, and finally first years. This ensures that everyone has a chance to obtain a good room at some point during their degree (so don't feel too bad if your first year room isn't the room of your dreams). Nearer the time, the Domestic and Academic officer (ejh85) will send out emails with more information.