Magdalene JCR Committee Freshers Amal Societies Kit Keeper

The JCR Committee

Meeting Minutes
Standing Orders

PRESIDENT — Karen Dias

Hi Magdalene! I'm Karen, your JCR President for 2025! I'm a second year History and Politics student and I am passionate about continuing to make our college community an inclusive, welcoming environment for everyone. Alongside the JCR Committee of 2025, I am dedicated to ensuring there is an open communication channel between students and staff members to ensure that students' needs are being met. I care about what you think and would love to hear your thoughts, opinions and questions so feel free to chat to me if you see me around college or drop me an email! I look forward to working with you all!

"Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved" — Pooh Bear, Winnie the Pooh

"It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is everyday." — Kamala Harris

VICE-PRESIDENT — Emily Grayston

Hello! I'm Em, a first year philosopher. As JCR Vice President I look forward to looking after the undergraduate student body and would love to use this role to help people in whatever capacity I can. The JCR is the backbone of undergraduate wellbeing, and I am keen to maintain and further the brilliant work of previous committees. Please do get in touch with any questions or suggestions as I would be more than happy to help where possible!

TREASURER — Max Taylor

Hello! I'm Max, a 2nd year engineer. As treasurer, my role is to practice the subtle art of not bankrupting the JCR while preserving the ancient custom of overspending on Bop. It's a job I take seriously, and I want to get as much good out of the budget as I can. If anybody has big ideas to help undergrads, please let me know. I'd be really happy to see how we could fund them :)

"I'm not going to say what kind of treasurer."

"Behind every strong woman are 5 other strong women proofreading her emails."

SECRETARY — Sophie Cole

Hi! I'm Sophie, a third-year Linguistics student, and I'm the secretary for the JCR. This means I'll be writing the iconic Magdazine (the JCR newsletter), including one-off event reports like Sports Day and Bop, managing the JCR Instagram, and generally helping Karen manage the chaos. If you'd like to contribute anything or publicise anything through the JCR, get in contact!

GREEN & CHARITIES — Ravi Sisodiya

Hi, I'm Ravi, a 2nd year studying HSPS and I'm your Green and Charities officer! I'll be looking at making college a greener place as well as doing our bit for charities. Any ideas or suggestions don't hesitate to reach out!

"Heat wave in Texas."

"I love my Enthusband" — Treebeard
"We entish" — Treebeard

ENTS — Brad Sills & Austen Burdon-Williams

Hey I’m Brad, I’m a 2nd year student studying natural sciences, and I’m one of the new ents officers!!

Hi, I'm Austen. I'm a second year and I like rowing, chemistry and bop

WELFARE (MALE & NON-BINARY) — Tom Walters & Tristan Stanbridge

Hi! I'm Tom, a second year Natsci, and I'm one of your welfare officers this year! I'll be working hard alongside Sophia and Tristan to run fun events and provide more free food than you could ever ask for. I'm almost always around college and more than happy to have a chat, so feel free to reach out if you ever need anything :)

Hey! I’m Tristan, one of your male/non-binary welfare officers. I’m a first year MML student ready for a great year of events, knoops walks and welfare talks. Tom, Sophia and I are always here if you need a chat or have any ideas :)

"Success is relative. It is what we can make of the mess we have made of things."
"Being scared and doing it anyway — so scary!"

"Whatever happens, happens."


Hi! I'm Sophia (2nd Year Medicine), Magdalene's Welfare Officer (Female/Non-binary). I'm here to help make sure people are getting the fun they need in our community and making sure someone is here for you if you need anything. Feel free to reach out, it's what I'm here for :)

LGBT+ REP — Celeste Tallahands & Naomi Paish

Hi, we’re Naomi (she/her, 2nd year MML) and Celeste (she/her, 2nd year English) and as your LGBTQ+ reps we want to make sure college is a safe, representative, and fun environment. We’ll be organising film nights, craft evenings, and more! If you have any suggestions, questions, or concerns (or just fancy a chat!) feel free to contact us or talk to us around college 😊

"Do. Or do not. There is no try." — Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back
"Another belief of mine: that everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise." — Margaret Atwood

"'What do you want to be when you grow up?'
'Kind', said the boy" — The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse by Charlie Mackesy

WOMEN'S OFFICER — Grace Mayhead

Hello! I'm Grace Mayhead, a second year architect and your Women's Officer for 2025!

This year I'm hoping to hold weekly craft activities, movie nights or outdoor games (in Easter) with the 1988 society. I'm hoping that these will encourage everyone to create a strong, friendly, feminist community within college and give everyone an opportunity to express their views or concerns.

I'll be publishing a website attached to the 1988 club Instagram with resources for harassment and violence and opportunities for Magdalene women to share their work (art, literature, ANYTHING)!

I'm only a message away for any of your questions, concerns or ideas! I look forward to working with everyone <3


Hi guys! My name is Julie, and I‘m a second-year medical student. Born in South Korea and having lived in the UK since I was 8, I understand the challenges that come with living and studying in a new country. As International Students Officer, I will make sure international students feel supported, connected, and are able to fully enjoy and make the most of the university experience!

"I like Kpop and kimchi."

"Your JCR needs YOU!"


This position is currently vacant. The rest of the JCR committee is hard at work providing support and advocacy for any students with mental health issues or disabilities.

Are you a Magdalene JCR member who self-identifies as having a disability? If so, consider becoming the Disabled Students Officer! Email to register your interest and we'll let you know the next steps.


This position is currently vacant. The rest of the JCR committee is hard at work representing the views and interests of Magdalene’s BME community, offering support to those who need it and advocating for changes to make the college a more welcoming space for BME students.

Are you a Magdalene JCR member who self-identifies as BME? If so, consider becoming the BME Officer! Email to register your interest and we'll let you know the next steps.

"Your JCR needs YOU!"

"Chance would be a fine thing."


Hello, I’m Pippa. Fabian and I are your Freshers Reps for 2025! Our job is to organise and run both Refreshers and Freshers Week, as well as supporting anyone joining college. Please get in touch if you have any questions/recommendations or simply want to chat!


Hello, I’m Fabian. Pippa and I are your Freshers Reps for 2025! Our job is to organise and run both Refreshers and Freshers Week, as well as supporting anyone joining college. Please get in touch if you have any questions/recommendations or simply want to chat!

"I must have peed the bed the way my drip be slept on"

"Butter the toast, eat the toast, shit the toast. God, life's relentless."

CLASS ACT — Finn Patchesa

Hello mags! - I'm Finn, a second year hspser and class act officer on this year's jcr. In the role, I hope to be a faithful advocate for class related issues at jcr meetings, collaborate with other colleges at events, and sending out important information to class act students. Feel free to drop me a message if you have any concerns/ ideas for my role. Thanks :)


I’m Olivia, a second year archaeology student and your Catering and Accommodation Officer for the year. My role includes organising themed formals (if you have any theme suggestions please do send them my way), assisting with the annual room ballot, and doing my best to answer any food- and accommodation-related questions you might have.

(NB: Although Buddy the Labrador, also pictured, is an expert on food, he is not on the JCR committee).

"Digging into the task at hand, as all good archaeologists should"

"If you want to discover the meaning of life, you're better off downing a bottle of vodka first. At least that way, you're unconscious by the time you start to take yourself seriously."


Hi, I'm Sam a 1st year HSPS student and your Access and Academic Officer. I want to encourage as many people as possible from diverse backgrounds to apply to Magdalene and to support them in the transition to uni life! Please feel free to drop me a message if you have any questions, suggestions or are looking for any support.

IT OFFICER — Douglas Page

Hello! I'm Douglas, a first-year historian.

Skibidi toilet and brain rot, 5G masts and fake news, 'social' media and AI — technology dominates our lives. As the IT officer, I work to ensure that technology supports the fabulous work of the Magdalene JCR committee. I'm also keen to support Magdalene students using technology in their studies, by providing assistance and advice.

"I thought IT stood for invaluable team-member."