Magdalene JCR Freshers Amal Societies Kit Keeper

College Facilities

The Bar

Top of the list, if your feeling stressed and fancy a quick drink, head to the bar. The bar also serves tea, a range of coffees and snacks. Located on your right as you walk past the porters' lodge into First Court, the opening times during Full Term are as follows:

7pm - 11:30pm every Thursday, Friday and Saturday


A great place to sit down and veg out in front of the TV! The JCR room is equipped with sofas, Sky box with Sky Sports subscription, and a Wii. The JCR room is located on the ground floor of First Court A staircase. You will need to swipe your University card to enter.

It is possible to book the JCR.


We have two well equipped Gyms in college. The first is located beneath the Lutyens Building in Benson Court; just head down staircase C. This gym primarily contains free weights. To use this gym you have been inducted by a member of Gym Committee. Contact Bob, the College Marshall, for more details.

The other gym was opened in April 2011 and is located on the 2nd floor in Cripps Court (at the end of the corridor). This gym primarily contains cardio equipment. In order to use this gym you need to sign a form in which you agree to not damage the gym and so forth, but no induction is necessary. You can sign this form at any time by going to see Bob, the College Marshal, in his office.


There is a squash court hidden away in Mallory Court (keys from the Porters' Lodge) and an Eton Fives court next door. To book the squash court, sign up on the sheet on the noticeboard outside the Porters' Lodge. Try something new...


Head left as you enter First Court, and down the corridor towards Old Lodge you can't miss the Games Room on your left (you will need your University card to open the door). Inside there is are free pool and table football tables.

There is also a table tennis table which is stored in the Buckingham Room. To use it, book the Buckingham Room in the normal way through the Conference Office (5 working days in advance), and collect the key from the Porters' Lodge when you come to play.


The JCR maintains a punt which is available to use for FREE from the 1st April until 1st October. Go to the Porters' Lodge to book them in advance and to collect the keys and paddles. Cushions to use inside the punts can be found in the wooden lockers underneath Benson O.


The College has many spaces available for music practice: the Buckingham Room, Music Practice Room 2 (Old Court 12), the Cripps Court Music Practice Room (with drum-kit) Benson Hall (which houses the new grand piano). Keys can be taken out from the nearest Porters' Lodge (in First Court or Cripps Court), and rooms should be booked in advance on MagNET: (login required via this page first). As of Michaelmas 2017, Music Practice Room 1 is reserved for the sole use of the Choir.