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How To Go Green

This is the perfect place to start if you want to reduce your carbon footprint and benefit the environment. As students there are some things which are beyond our control, but the following tips are really easy to do without much hassle. Using less energy and water will reduce the college’s bills and this will ultimately mean we will save money too.


Buy food with less packaging, plastic wrapping is difficult to recycle and hard to reuse so buy things like fruit individually. Avoid junk mail by using When you register to vote, remember to tick the box which excludes your name and address for the Edited Electoral Register, as any company is legally entitled to purchase the Edited Register to use for direct mailing.


Keep your plastic bags and fruit bags and take them to the shops next time you go. You can use scrap paper, envelopes and jiffy bags again and it saves money. Shop in charity shops and buy presents from stores that sell recycled crafts or be creative and make them.


Paper, plastic bottles, glass, metal cans, ink cartridges, batteries, mobile phones, spectacles and lids can all be recycled in college - see the recycling page for more information. Don’t throw anything away - take books, clothes and bits and bobs to charity shops.

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College Initiatives

The college uses energy savings bulbs and these can be found all over college. Any normal bulb that breaks will be replaced with an energy saving one until the whole of college uses them. There are hard plastic cups in Ramsay that can be used for water on the tables and are washed and re-used, and as part of the Bring-A-Mug scheme you can bring a mug to Ramsay and place it on the trolley to use for hot drinks and water. If you leave it with the other glasses it will then be washed and placed back on the trolley for you to use again. The washing machines are energy efficient, and all new appliances are as energy efficient as possible. Recycled paper is bought by the college.

In the gardens biological control is used instead of chemical pesticides. We have a parasitic warp (Encarsia) that lays its eggs inside whiteflies to control their numbers. We use nematodes to infect slugs and vine weevils and lacewings to eat aphids. Outside we compost as much as possible so that it can be returned to the soil, and where fertilizers have been used, the preferred choice is organic based on poultry litter. The one area where we still need to use chemicals is for the control of weeds on paths and hard surfaces. There are tit, robin and blackbird boxes in the Fellow’s garden and bird feeders around college. There is a webcam on the college intranets homepage that look onto the bird feeders behind the Lutyens building.

College Enviromental Policy

Magdalene College places great importance on the environment and aims to manage its activities, buildings and estate in a manner that promotes environmental sustainability, conserves and enhances natural resources and prevents environmental pollution. It will strive to deliver a continual improvement in its environmental performance. Magdalene College will comply fully with environmental legislation and officially approved codes of practice, and will make continued efforts to:

Climate Change Charter

This is a voluntary pledge taken by an organisation that outlines a broad statement of commitment towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Magdalene is one of only 6 colleges that has signed the charter and has to provide a report every year on how we are implementing this in college. This means that we: